Safetrans Services, the quality of a customized offer
- We chose to drive our quality approach through an Excellent commitment Operational, which positions the satisfaction of our customers and the quality of our services at the heart of our concern and of our operational services dedicated to the customers of the pharmaceutical industry..
- Our employees are aware of the Good Clinical Research Practices and Distribution in order to assist our customers.
- Our team of experts is able to provide advanced monitoring flow and implement a customized program for the most sensitive consignments.
- We have computer tools allowing you to have real time information on your transportation.
- We implement monitoring indicators of quality, including service rate corresponding to the percentage of the number of projects delivered on time by the total number of transactions processed.
- Average service rate of> 99%.
- Customer Satisfaction rates can also be correlated.
Safetrans, an environment business-oriented
Policy is conducted internally to adopt measures related to the concept of Eco-Efficiency.
We are very made sensitive in the environmental issues, and we become attached to the promotion of the least polluting ways of transportation in particular the river and railroad carriers for your national transport.
So as to make sensitive the impact of the transport on the environment, we also launched for our customers an approach which counts the GHG (Greenhouse Gas Effects) on the Transport position and to establish the Carbon Footprint.
We set up this tool for measuring the carbon footprint for the Post 'Transport' (Equivalent Tonne Tonne CO2 or Carbon) by transport mode used and Greenhouse emissions coefficient (GHG) defined by ADEME.
These reports are prepared periodically.
Our environmental approach also plans for the replacement of our future vehicles with low-emission vehicles, such as electric vehicles, and the use of two-wheeled vehicles when regulations allow it.